- One of the most important decisions in supply chain is to choose who will perform supply chain tasks such as production, storage, transportation, etc.
- So, sourcing decisions are a superset of the outsourcing decisions - we are first deciding whether to outsource or to perform the task in-house.
- Once the decision to outsource is taken, we need to find the best partner (vendor).
- Outsourcing includes all the processes required for purchasing the goods and services for the organization, in order to fulfill the demand raised by the customer.
Vendor selection and development
- Outsourcing is successful if the third party makes the supply chain more responsive (respond to consumer demands quicker) or efficient (cost) or both.
- Managers must first decide whether to outsource the supply chain activity.
- After deciding the outsource, vendors need to be identified and selected.
- To identify and select the vendors, the managers need to decide the criteria of evaluation.
- Should the manager select suppliers who are in similar in capability or look for complementary skills?
- How does the manager know the suppliers and understand them better before selecting them?
Role of sourcing in supply chain
Relevant questions with outsourcing, however, are:
- Does the outsourcing benefit the firm as well as the vendor?
- Does the outsourcing increase the uncertainities for the firm?
Steps involved in Outsourcing
- Planning: Overall policy for sourcing. Buy-vs-make decision
- Supplier Selection: Various parameters of evaluation