Facility Location

Geographic Representation

Number of Facilties

Optimization Criteria

Objective function in the location problem is different for different services. Depending on the owner of the facility, the objectives could be:

Single Dimension Single Facility Location Problem

$$ \text{Maximize } Z = \sum_{i=1}^m w_i (s-x_i) + \sum_{i=m+1}^n w_i (s-x_i) $$


$w_i$ = relative demand at the location $i$,

$x_i$ = the location $i$ of the demand on the beach,

$s$ = the location where the vendor should set up the shop

$$ \frac{\partial Z}{\partial s} = 0 => \sum_{i=1} ^m w_i = \sum_{i=m+1}^n w_i $$