Some Pointers
- Machine Learning is usually a small piece of a big project.
- Typically 10-15% of the time is spent on ML.
- A lot more time is spent in capturing and processing data for ML and taking decisions based on the ML output.
Steps in ML Project
- Look at the big picture
- Get the data
- Discover and visualise the data to gain insights.
- Prepare the data for Machine Learning Algorithms.
- Select a model and train it.
- Fine-tune your model.
- Present your solution.
- Launch, monitor and maintain your system.
Step 1: Look at the Big Picture
- Frame the problem
- What are input and output?
- What is the business objective?
- What is the current solution?
- Select a performance measure
- Regression
- Mean Squared Error (MSE)
- Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
- Classification
- Precision
- Recall
- F1 Score
- Accuracy
- List and check the assumptions
Step 2: Get the Data
- Check data samples